타임 코인(Timecoin / TMCN-NFT 마켓) AMA - 2탄
와 벌써 만명의 유저라뇨! 역시 핫한 분야의 핫한 사업임이 증명되는 숫자인 것 같습니다! 대표님 그렇다면 eSportStars에 대해 보다 더 상세한 설명 부탁드려도 될까요? Already with 10 thousand active users! This number tells a lot. Now, can you tell us more about eSportsStars? The esports industry is led by esports gaming companies. Gaming companies create rules and govern the way players make money from their games. We want to create an esports service where game..
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2021. 6. 7. 14:05