BlockStack submitted a legal opinion to the U.S. SEC that STX is a product, not a securities, for the purpose of trading Stacks Token (STX) in the U.S. It announced on the 9th that it has submitted a legal opinion to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) that the virtual asset "Stax" token (STX) issued by BlockStack, a blockchain-based decentralized computing platform, is not a secur..

Nowadays, it is an era of consumption by thinking about the environment and health with belief in consumption. The value of the brand rather than the cost-performance ratio, The direction and philosophy the brand pursues, Even if they purchase one product or service, such as value-oriented activities they pursue, It's an age when it's a trend to buy according to your beliefs and values. Various..

BNA Thunderman, @h6349 Comparing CTSI Dapp development platform and other existing platforms, what is CTSI platforms competition factor? How is it different? CTSI 디앱 개발 운영 플랫폼은 기존의 디앱 개발 플랫폼과 비교하여 차별화및 장점은 무엇인가요? Steil Colin, Blockchains that support smart contracts run on domain-specific VM's under a very limited environment. For instance, the EVM doesn't run a real operating system like Linux...

BNA Thunderman, Ok, then let's hear what users want to know about Cartesi? 그러면 바로 시작 해 볼까요? BNA Thunderman, First question! from @angeldevill12 BNA Thunderman, Can you tell us about yout partners? What is it that you consider when chosing partners? 카르테시의 파트너사가 어디인지 알고싶습니다 파트너사를 정하는 명확한 기준이 있을지도 궁금하네요 | Cartesi Erick, Sure! | Cartesi Erick, Our early partners are investment funds such as SOSV, Ar..